Benefits of Water Filtration and What Questions to Ask a Water Purification Specialist
- By Peter Wood
- January 31, 2021
- 7:15 am

Top Benefits of Water Filtration
The main advantage of water filter systems is that they trap harmful chemicals and their components in the water itself. Some of these components include chlorine and lead. Chlorine and its by-products can cause cancer. Filtration systems such as reverse osmosis systems and flow filters are able to remove micro-organisms and viruses from the water, which can cause gastrointestinal diseases if consumed. Tap water can contain some 2,000 or more known harmful chemicals and bacteria.
Want to know the benefits to filtered water? Let’s take a look!
Filtering improves the safety and taste of water
A ro water system improves the taste and smell of tap water, as well as the taste of food cooked with purified water. Filtered water is definitely good for everyone, but especially for babies and pregnant women.
Better than bottled water
Bottled water does not always live up to the advertised qualities. Simply put, bottled water may contain the same or fewer chemicals and harmful ingredients than tap water. Using water filters to filter tap water is much cheaper than buying bottled water, which is also not eco-friendly, due to the bottles’ plastic production. So by purchasing a water filter, you are also helping nature.
Boosts health
Filtered water has a positive effect on human health. It has ten times the benefits of skin hydration, nutrient absorption, weight loss, detoxification, digestion and cancer risk reduction. Drinking pure water is beneficial to the immune system and mental wellness.
Questions To Ask A Water Purification Specialist Before Purchasing A New Water Purification System
Every industry has a regulated set of standards for water quality and use. Your purification system must be able to cope with your ultrapure requirements as well as it does your reclamation process and wastewater management system, so it’s important to ask the right questions of your filtration expert.
1. What Kind Of Water Do I Need For My Application Or Industry?
Pharmaceutical manufacturers require sterile water for injectable solvents, sanitary water for circulation pumps, and purification methods to control bio-contamination. Many industries have disparate regulations that govern the way they purify the water they use and dispose of. You may require a range of different filters, particularly when ultrapure water can become a health risk when used to manufacture consumable medications or when a degree of salinity is needed for your manufacturing plant. If you need a number of water types, your pre-treatment system can be adjusted to deliver different levels of purity.
2. What Impurities Need Removing?
Unpurified water contains more than just microbes and fungi. It has minerals that make it brackish, chemicals that alter its pH balance, and heavy metals that can pose a health risk. Soluble chlorine and salt ions may contaminate your products or reduce the conductivity of your water. If you’re reclaiming wastewater for reuse in your facility, this question becomes all the more important because it governs the filtration method you choose. Used feed water picks up a lot of contaminants and minerals that have to be removed before the water can be recycled or released into the mains. The best way to achieve optimal water quality is to understand the mineral composition and quality of the initial resource.
3. What Is My Daily Water Usage?
This depends on your sector and the size of your facility. The energy industry requires copious amounts of water for cooling and conduction, so a small office filter won’t serve a power plant. Similarly, up to 4,000 litres of water are required to produce one litre of biofuel, and the average semi-conductor plant uses four million gallons of ultrapure water a day. Your filtration device must meet the demands of your industry and the volume of water you use.
4. Is It Worth The Cost?
There is a difference between an investment and an expense. An investment generates returns while an expense does not. Your recycling or filtration method contributes directly to your profits, decreasing your utility bills to boot. Therefore, a high-quality water treatment plant is best viewed as a positive investment rather than a damage-limitation exercise. Of course, the potential costs of inadequate water treatment are very high, so a good quality plant can also be viewed as a valued insurance policy against downtime and product wastage.
5. Are You Qualified & Certified?
Your service provider should be licensed and insured, and also carry any certifications relevant to your sector and jurisdiction. In addition, your product should carry a warranty in case your equipment doesn’t operate correctly. Ideally, the company that provides your filtration system should also maintain it. This saves money and gives you greater visibility over the equipment than using multiple suppliers.
6. How Much Space Do I Need For My Product?
This is difficult to answer because water treatment plants vary widely in size. The important thing is to determine the footprint you need in advance, in consultation with your treatment system manufacturer. Even if you have plenty of empty floor space, the room you intend to set aside for filtration must be assessed upfront. Your future plans may require a modular system, but your purifiers must also have the correct placement in relation to the rest of your plant. A new plant often involves extensive plumbing reconfiguration and you may want to review your floorplan to optimise the flow of water around your facility.
A Considered Investment
Your water filtration system is one of the most important elements of your manufacturing process, generating profits while keeping product quality where it belongs. For a comprehensive introduction to water treatment, please Contact us!
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